Kiehl's Hong Kong
1USD = 1.75

* 系统将根据收取商户款项後,计算实际的里数(并会因汇率浮动而有异)。

Kiehl's Hong Kong

Kiehl's自1851年成立於紐約東村,是一家古老的藥劑師。 契爾氏的豐富經驗促成了幾代人對化妝品,藥物,草藥和藥用知識的獨特融合。 Kiehl's Since 1851 was founded as an old-world apothecary in New York's East Village over 150 years ago. Kiehl's extensive experience has resulted in a unique blend of cosmetic, pharmaceutical, herbal and medicinal knowledge developed over generations. Ingredients are the single most important component of their products, and Kiehl’s have always proudly displayed theirs.

