Fancy Rosy Hong Kong
1USD = 10.5

* 系統將根據收取商戶款項後,計算實際的里數(並會因匯率浮動而有異)。

Fancy Rosy Hong Kong

Fancy Rosy 創立於 2010 年的香港品牌,成立願景為女生提供既女性化,而又充滿年青個性的時尚手袋,讓女生們隨意都能配搭出自己獨有的風格出門。品牌背後的理念很簡單:我們深信只有女孩才最懂女孩的心意。 Fancy Rosy 的理想是為大多數女孩提供更時髦更高檔的選擇,為妳平凡的日常裝束中增添一份驚喜。 A Hong Kong based brand founded in 2010. Fancy Rosy always offer a remarkable design. The unique styles and designs soon allow you stand out with casual & elegance outfit. The concept of the brand is just simple , we make what you want. Our design team aim to provide more high class & stylist product to the market. To make your every day be fashionable.


若選擇信用卡支付方式,付款後必需手動返回 Fancy Rosy (香港)頁面,訂單才會被視爲有效獲得獎勵。
For transactions paid with credit card, please manually select back to Fancy Rosy site in order to ensure transaction will be eligible for rewards.
