Suchprice Hong Kong
Suchprice 優價網出售各種傢俬、生活雜貨及名牌家電﹐致力提供最實惠而優質的貨品給顧客。
Suchprice is an online store committed to providing the most affordable and high-quality goods, ranging from furniture to electrical appliances.
購買 Suchprice® 自家貨品以外的訂單會獲得較少獎勵。獎勵只適用於香港,台灣,澳門,馬來西亞,越南,印度,菲律賓,新加坡,澳洲的訂單。
Purchasing brands other than Suchprice® own goods will receive a lower reward. Stated reward is only applicable to orders from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, Philippines, Singapore, Australia.