Rewards are applicable for a maximum purchase value of PHP 7200 per checkout.
To ensure proper tracking, please do NOT check out item(s) saved in previous basket. Please make sure you click via Shop Now on this site, put the item(s) anew in the basket and complete the checkout in one-go.
Only orders made from Zalora Philippines site will be eligible to earn reward.
Rewards will be given within 120-150 days from the purchase date for valid transactions.
Rewards are not available for payments made through the following methods: gift certificates, "My Wallet " and cash-on-delivery.
Missing transactions would require at least 90 -120 days investigation time.
Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).
About Zalora Philippines
ZALORA is Asia's fast-growing online retailers featuring one of the region's largest range of products and brands. ZALORA follows a pure e-commerce model - Being solely online means that you will never lose a sale that goes offline.
Enter price of purchase (miles will not usually be awarded on VAT, all other taxes, surcharges, any additional costs such as shipping or delivery charges, or on the purchase of Gift Vouchers.
If you have the Zalora Philippines app installed, you may be automatically redirected to it. Please note that no miles will be earned when shopping via the Zalora Philippines Asia app, but only via the website.
Any purchases made during this session will be tracked on Zalora Philippines, provided you have accepted and enabled all cookies.