Kate Spade New York
1USD = 2
was 1USD = 0.25
from 01/11/2024
until 30/11/2024
Special offer

* Exact Asia Miles calculation will be made when payment is received from retailer (dependent on currency exchange rates)

Kate Spade New York

Since our launch in 1993 with six essential handbags, we’ve always stood for optimistic femininity. today we’re a global life and style house filled with handbags, of course. also clothes, shoes, jewelry, home décor, tech accessories and so many other things that you use every day. We value thoughtful details. we think a layer of polished ease looks (and feels) so chic. and to us, modern, sophisticated colors make a personal style statement all their own. It’s these founding principles that define our unique style. we like that our style is synonymous with joy. Kate spade New York is part of the tapestry house of brands.

Purchase conditions

No rewards given on gift cards.

Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).