Here is the page of Logitech Hong Kong merchant
Logitech Hong Kong
Logitech Hong Kong
HKD10 = 3

Logitech Hong Kong

When will I get my miles?

Tracked within i5 day(s)
Awarded within i105 day(s)
獎勵只適用於Mouse and Presenters/Keyboard/Mouse-Keyboard Set/Headsets & Speakers/Webcams/iPad Accessories/Gaming Mouse/Gaming Keyboards/Gaming Headsets/Gaming Mouse Pads/Gaming Speakers/Driving And Gamepads/True Wireless Headphones/Wireless Headphones/ BOOM 3/MEGABOOM 3/WONDERBOOM 2/Accessories/Gaming Headsets/Mixamp/SNOWBALL ICE/SNOWBALL/YETI NANO/YETI/YETI X。購買其他產品不會獲得獎勵。
Stated reward is only applicable to Mouse and Presenters/Keyboard/Mouse-Keyboard Set/Headsets & Speakers/Webcams/iPad Accessories/Gaming Mouse/Gaming Keyboards/Gaming Headsets/Gaming Mouse Pads/Gaming Speakers/Driving And Gamepads/True Wireless Headphones/Wireless Headphones/ BOOM 3/MEGABOOM 3/WONDERBOOM 2/Accessories/Gaming Headsets/Mixamp/SNOWBALL ICE/SNOWBALL/YETI NANO/YETI/YETI X. Any other products will not earn any reward.

About Logitech Hong Kong

Logitech是一家著重創新與品質的瑞士公司,其個人週邊產品的設計為消費者提供絕佳的數位體驗。Logitech從 1981 年開始研發當時所沒有的滑鼠,讓使用者可以用更直覺的方式與個人電腦互動。Logitech為了因應日新月異的個人電腦與筆記型電腦科技,重新研發了數十種滑鼠來滿足使用者的需求,如今Logitech已是全球電腦滑鼠的領導品牌。

A Swiss company focused on innovation and quality, Logitech designs products and experiences that have an everyday place in people's lives. Founded in 1981 in Lausanne, Switzerland, and quickly expanding to the Silicon Valley, Logitech started connecting people through innovative computer peripherals and many industry firsts, including the infrared cordless mouse, the thumb-operated trackball, the laser mouse, and more.