Stated reward is only applicable to purchasing Japan Rail Pass. Purchasing Regional Rail Pass/Pocket WiFi/Meet & Greet Service will earn a higher reward. Reward is only applicable to orders from below regions: Australia/Brunei Darussalam/China/Micronesia (Federated States of)/Hong Kong/Indonesia/Cambodia/Korea (Republic of)/Lao People's Democratic Republic/Macao/Marshall Islands/Mongolia/Malaysia/Nauru/New Zealand/Philippines/Palau/Papua New Guinea/Singapore/Solomon Islands/Thailand/Timor-Leste/Tonga/Tuval/Taiwan/Vietnam
標示之獎勵只適用於購買日本鐵路週遊券。購買地區周遊券/口袋WiFi/Meet & Greet服務會獲得較多獎勵。獎勵只適用於來自以下地區的訂單:澳洲/汶萊/中國/密克羅尼西亞聯邦/中國香港/印尼/柬埔寨/韓國/寮國/中國澳門/馬紹爾群島/蒙古國/馬來西亞/諾魯/紐西蘭/菲律賓/帛琉/巴布亞紐幾內亞/新加坡/索羅門群島/泰國/東帝汶/東加/吐瓦魯/中國台灣/越南/萬那杜/薩摩亞。
Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).
About JR Pass Asia
Japan Rail Pass | Explore Japan by train.
日本鐵路通行證 - 無限次在日本各地旅行。
Enter price of purchase (miles will not usually be awarded on VAT, all other taxes, surcharges, any additional costs such as shipping or delivery charges, or on the purchase of Gift Vouchers.
If you have the JR Pass Asia app installed, you may be automatically redirected to it. Please note that no miles will be earned when shopping via the JR Pass Asia Asia app, but only via the website.
Any purchases made during this session will be tracked on JR Pass Asia, provided you have accepted and enabled all cookies.