Aliexpress Singapore
1USD = 2.75

* アジア・マイルは、お店から支払いを受けとった後、確定されます。(また通貨レートにより変動します)

Aliexpress Singapore

AliExpress is an online international marketplace created by On AliExpress, buyers from more than 200 countries and regions order items in bulk or one at a time — all at low wholesale prices. We now feature more than one hundred million products supplied by more than 200,000 Chinese exporters and manufacturers.


Purchasing Mobile Phone Device will earn less rewards. Purchasing virtual products (e.g. travel, coupon, gift cards, virtual books) and books will not earn any rewards. Orders from Russian Speaking Countries will not earn any rewards. Aliexpress Singapore does not entertain missing transaction queries.

Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).