自2020年11月27日起,Rakuten Global Express之現有顧客和舊顧客的每張付運訂單皆可獲得獎勵。Rakuten Global Express 服務只適用於Rakuten Global Market (https://global.rakuten.com/en/), 樂天市場 (https://www.rakuten.co.jp/) 及 Rakuten Books (https://books.rakuten.co.jp/).
Since 27th Nov 2020, both new and existing users can get rewarded with each shipment. Transactions would only be shown as Pending the second month after the completion of verification. RGX service is only available for Rakuten orders on Rakuten Global Market (https://global.rakuten.com/en/), Rakuten Ichiba (https://www.rakuten.co.jp/) and Rakuten Books (https://books.rakuten.co.jp/).
について Rakuten Global Express Hong Kong
Rakuten Global Express是樂天市場購物的專屬樂天官方海外運送服務。因為會將貨物先保管在日本國內的倉庫後運送(轉運)至海外,所以也能將複數筆貨物統整出貨節省海外運費。
Rakuten Global Express (RGX) is Rakuten’s official overseas delivery service just like the current 3rd party forwarding services but with more features and functions. Shop at Ichiba, RGM, Rakuten books and get your products shipped overseas with Rakuten Global Express.