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Bloomingdale's US
Bloomingdale's US
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Bloomingdale's US

제 마일리지를 언제 받을 수 있습니까?

추적 소요시간 i5 일
적립 소요시간 i105 일
You will only earn rewards on purchases made and delivered within the US. If orders are deemed to be not genuine personal customers' orders no rewards will be given.

Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).

에 대한 Bloomingdale's US

Bloomingdale's is committed to lead the way with exclusive merchandise, customized services, and alternative shopping venues. Carrying on the Bloomingdale's brothers' dream, they are always finding ways to set their stores apart. That's both the legacy and the promise of Bloomingdale's.

할인 바우처

  • 바우처 세부정보를 보려면 로그인하세요: Bloomingdale's US
    바우처 세부정보를 보려면 로그인하세요
    만료 13/03/2025
    *이용 약관 적용
  • 바우처 세부정보를 보려면 로그인하세요: Bloomingdale's US
    바우처 세부정보를 보려면 로그인하세요
    만료 14/03/2025
    *이용 약관 적용
  • 바우처 세부정보를 보려면 로그인하세요: Bloomingdale's US
    바우처 세부정보를 보려면 로그인하세요
    만료 16/03/2025
    *이용 약관 적용
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