Ancestry UK
1USD = 12
기존 1USD = 2.5
부터 22/07/2024
까지 30/09/2024
특별 프로모션 쿠폰

* 아시아 마일즈는 결제금액이 상점으로부터 확인된 후 확정됩니다. (환율에 의해 변동됨).

Ancestry UK makes it easy for you to trace your family history, build your family tree and watch your own history emerge. All you have to do is add the family members you know about — no matter how few — and Ancestry will search through its record collections to find additional matches that you might not know about. You can uncover your ethnic mix, distant relatives and new ancestors when you use AncestryDNA.

구입 조건

No rewards given on free trial.
Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).


Pet DNA!
만기 날짜07/11/2029
no code required