Codashop Hong Kong
최대 1USD = 0.5

* 아시아 마일즈는 결제금액이 상점으로부터 확인된 후 확정됩니다. (환율에 의해 변동됨).

Codashop Hong Kong

數百萬遊戲玩家都是使用 Codashop 來購買遊戲積分或憑證 / 現金券時獲得了無縫且流暢的體驗 - 無須註冊或登錄,購買後即刻入帳到你的遊戲帳戶中。 Millions of gamers count on Codashop every month for a seamless purchase experience when buying game credits or vouchers – No registration or log-in is required, and purchases are added to your game account instantly.

구입 조건

2022年10月1日 - 2022年10月31日期間,標示之獎勵只適用於Codashop的新顧客。Codashop的現有顧客會獲得較少獎勵。
From October 1 2022 - October 31 2022, stated commission is only applicable to new users of Codashop. Existing users of Codashop will earn a lower reward.
