여기 있습니다 페이지 foodpanda Hong Kong 브랜드
foodpanda Hong Kong
foodpanda Hong Kong
최대 HKD10 = 6.5

foodpanda Hong Kong

제 마일리지를 언제 받을 수 있습니까?

추적 소요시간 i21 일
적립 소요시간 i82 일
foodpanda 手機版網頁訂單不會獲得獎勵。
Merchant does not investigate missing transaction queries
Stated reward is only applicable to new customers of foodpanda. Existing customers of foodpanda will earn a lower reward.
Reward is only applicable to foodpanda desktop website and foodpanda mobile app orders.
No reward for foodpanda mobile website orders.
In-app connection with foodpanda might cause transactions become invalid.


에 대한 foodpanda Hong Kong

foodpanda - 網上訂購香港精選餐廳外賣速遞到會 ● 25+種餐點類型可供選擇 ● 可透過網站或免費 iPhone/Android APP 訂餐 ● 線上刷卡或貨到付款。
foodpanda - Food & grocery delivery near you from top restaurants and shops across Hong Kong ✔ Large variety of dishes and shopping items ✔ Safe & easy payment options