Chow Sang Sang Hong Kong
최대 1USD = 6
기존 최대 1USD = 5
부터 03/07/2024
까지 31/12/2024
특별 프로모션 쿠폰

* 아시아 마일즈는 결제금액이 상점으로부터 확인된 후 확정됩니다. (환율에 의해 변동됨).

Chow Sang Sang Hong Kong

凝聚80多年的悠久歷史,周生生秉持「周而復始 生生不息」的品牌理念,對完美的堅持與追求,讓每一件珠寶飾品,都糅合著經典、時尚及創新的元素。周生生一直開拓國際視野,積極為亞洲品味人士引入國際著名珠寶品牌。於中國內地、香港、澳門及台灣,擁有超過380間自營分店,同時設立完善的網上購物服務,為全球每一位顧客,提供集優質珠寶與專業服務於一身的非凡體驗。

구입 조건




限時優惠 購指定計價黃金飾品低至免工費,香港地區免運費!
만기 날짜30/12/2024
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Limited-Time Offer Selected Price-By-Weight Gold Jewellery up To Free Labour Charge. Free Hong Kong Delivery!
만기 날짜30/12/2024
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Receive a Complimentary Hello Kitty Bow Jewellery Box with The Purchase of 1 Hello Kitty Jewellery and 1 Sanrio Characters Jewellery by Entering Code KTBOWBOX. Terms Apply. Not Include Gold Ingot!
만기 날짜30/12/2024
每購買1件Hello Kitty 飾品並1件Sanrio characters 飾品,輸入優惠碼KTBOWBOX,即獲贈限量Hello Kitty 蝴蝶結珠寶盒乙個。受條款約束。不包括金片!
만기 날짜30/12/2024
整單額外1%即時回贈(Alipay HK﹑支付寶﹑WeChat Pay HK或微信支付尊享),受條款約束!
만기 날짜31/01/2030
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整單額外1%即時回贈(Alipay HK﹑支付寶﹑WeChat Pay HK﹑ 微信支付或轉數快尊享),受條款約束!
만기 날짜31/01/2030
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만기 날짜22/01/2030
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【Selected Diamond Jewellery Privilege】selected Diamond Jewellery up To 30% Off. Free Hong Kong Delivery!
만기 날짜22/01/2030
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만기 날짜22/01/2030
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[Minty Collection Privilege] Selected Diamond Jewellery 25% Off. Free Hong Kong Delivery!
만기 날짜22/01/2030
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"【首次購物優惠】登入周生生網店購買定價飾品每滿HK$3,000,於結帳時輸入優惠碼FTV100EF,即可獲贈HK$100的額外折扣。 "
만기 날짜22/01/2030
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【First Time Visitor Offer】an Additional Discount of Hk$100 upon Every Hk$3,000 Fixed Price Jewellery Purchase by Entering the Promo Code FTV100EF at Checkout!
만기 날짜22/01/2030
【Charme 系列限定禮遇】指定串飾低至7折,香港本地免運費。
만기 날짜22/01/2030
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【Charme Collection Privilege】Selected items 30% off. Free Hong Kong delivery.
만기 날짜22/01/2030
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만기 날짜22/01/2030
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만기 날짜22/01/2030
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만기 날짜22/01/2030
【Charme 系列限定禮遇】指定串飾低至7折,於指定31個地區購物滿HK$3,900免運費。
만기 날짜22/01/2030
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Limited-Time Offer Selected Price-By-Weight Gold Jewellery Free Labour Charge. Free Shipping upon HK$3,900 Purchase for Non-HK IP | Now Till 31 Dec 2023(HKT)!
만기 날짜01/01/2025
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Selected Diamond Jewellery Privilege Selected Diamond Jewellery up To 30% Off | Free Hong Kong Delivery and Free Shipping upon HK$3,900 Purchase to 31 Countries Worldwide!
만기 날짜01/01/2025
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Charme Collection Privilege Selected Items 30% Off | Free Shipping upon HK$3,900 Purchase to 31 Countries Wordwide!
만기 날짜31/12/2024
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Charme系列 限定禮遇 指定串飾7折 |免費中國香港地區送貨;免費中國香港、澳門地區分店自取!
만기 날짜31/12/2024
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Charme系列 限定禮遇 指定串飾低至7折 | 香港本地免運費,指定31個國家可享滿HK$3,900免運費!
만기 날짜30/12/2024
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Charme Collection Privilegselected Items up To 30% Off | Free Hong Kong, China Delivery; Free Hong Kong Delivery and Free Shipping upon Hk$3,900 Purchase to 31 Countries Worldwide!
만기 날짜30/12/2024
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限時優惠 購指定計價黃金飾品低至免工費,購買滿HK$3,900免運費!
만기 날짜30/12/2024
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Limited-Time Offer Selected Price-By-Weight Gold Jewellery up To Free Labour Charge. Free Shipping upon Hk$3,900 Purchase!
만기 날짜30/12/2024
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만기 날짜30/12/2024
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[Minty Collection Privilege] Shop at Chow Sang Sang's Eshop from now to 31 Dec, 2023. Enjoy 25% off on selected Minty Collection jewellery. Free local delivery in Hong Kong and free shipping for orders over HK$3,900 to 31 countries worldwide.
만기 날짜30/12/2024
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[TC] Dragon-themed design jewellery!
만기 날짜30/12/2024
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[EN] Dragon-themed design jewellery!
만기 날짜30/12/2024
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【First Time Visitor Offer】Chow Sang Sang are excited to offer you an exclusive discount as a first-time online shopper at Chow Sang Sang Eshop. Simply enter the promo code FTV100EF at checkout to receive an additional discount of HK$100 upon every HK$3,00!
만기 날짜30/12/2024
만기 날짜30/12/2024
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[EN] Selected diamond jewellery up to 30% off | Free Hong Kong delivery and free shipping upon HK$3,900 purchase to 31 countries worldwide!
만기 날짜31/12/2024
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【Sanrio characters讓您每天擁有好心情】Sanrio characters 別緻可愛,將其卡通人物飾品佩戴起來,能讓您每天擁有好心情 !這些珍貴且獨特的999.9黃金飾品,不僅可用來送給至愛親朋表達心意,更是犒賞自己的好選擇。 立即購物每滿HK$3,500,於結帳時輸入優惠碼FTV100EA,即可獲贈HK$100的額外折扣,為生活增添樂趣!優惠只適用於網店及首次購物的顧客。只限送遞至香港﹑澳門﹑美國及加拿大。立即選購!
만기 날짜05/06/2029
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Enter the code FTV100EA at checkout to get an additional discount of HK$100 upon every HK$3,500 purchase. This offer is only valid for online purchases and for first-time customers. Free Hong Kong delivery and free shipping upon HK$3,900 for oversea.
만기 날짜05/06/2029
no code required
만기 날짜05/06/2029
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