L'Occitane Hong Kong
1USD = 4.5

* 아시아 마일즈는 결제금액이 상점으로부터 확인된 후 확정됩니다. (환율에 의해 변동됨).

L'Occitane Hong Kong

由科西嘉島的有機蠟菊種植園至普羅旺斯的薰衣草園,L'Occitane直接與130多名法國農夫和10,000名採摘人員緊密合作,以確保選用最優質的天然成分及依循永續經營而且公平的供應模式。我們成功發展出一套可以保育的種植方式,以呵護地球及大自然。 L'Occitane works directly with over 130 French farmers and 10,000 pickers – from the immortelle fields of Corsica to the lavender fields of Provence – to ensure that the ingredients we use are of the highest quality and sourced as sustainably as possible.

구입 조건



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만기 날짜31/12/2024