La Mer Hong Kong
1USD = 6
기존 1USD = 2.5
부터 13/12/2024
까지 31/01/2025
특별 프로모션 쿠폰

* 아시아 마일즈는 결제금액이 상점으로부터 확인된 후 확정됩니다. (환율에 의해 변동됨).

La Mer Hong Kong

旅程由Max Huber博士一次實驗意外被燒傷而開始,拆解自己一直醉心的海洋神奇療癒力量。受到海洋的啟發,尤其深海巨藻的非凡再生特性。Huber博士透過發酵的力量,最終精鍊出促進細胞再生的成分Miracle Broth™ 活膚精華,將海洋再生力量延展肌膚,釋放純淨海藻的豐富賦活成分。經典的Crème de la Mer精華面霜是品牌之初。以La Mer最受歡迎的活膚產品組合,展開專屬你的美麗蛻變。 The journey began when Dr. Max Huber suffered burns in an experiment gone awry, he hoped to unlock the legendary healing powers of the sea he held so dear. Dr.Huber was constantly inspired by marine life, especially the extraordinary, self-regenerating properties of giant sea kelp. Perfected over 12 years, after nearly 6,000 experiments, this transformative process produced cell-renewing Miracle Broth-the elixir that helped soothing skin and flows through every La Mer product today. Experience your own story of transformation with La Mer's most loved treatment regimen.

구입 조건



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