여기 있습니다 페이지 KKday Hong Kong 브랜드
KKday Hong Kong
KKday Hong Kong
HKD10 = 2.5
 - 국제 브랜드

KKday Hong Kong

제 마일리지를 언제 받을 수 있습니까?

추적 소요시간 i5 일
적립 소요시간 i105 일

Special products will earn a lower reward. No reward for KKday-exclusive products. Please refer to here for the list of Special Products and non-rewardable products.


에 대한 KKday Hong Kong

KKday蒐集了全球53個國家、遍及170個城市,超過6,000種獨特的旅遊體驗, 網站提供了多國語言版本,除了中文之外,還有英、日、韓等語言,讓全球旅客方便挑選當地旅遊體驗行程。

KKday is one of the leading travel e-commerce platforms that connects travellers with local tour providers around the world. Believing that authentic experience is the core value of “Travelling”, KKday has collected more than 6,000 unique travel experiences from 53 countries and 170 cities.