以下是 页面 PNS eShop 商户

PNS eShop


追踪所需时间 i24 小时
计入所需时间 i117 天
送貨服務只適用於香港地區。 待確認獎勵並非為最終獲得的獎勵,最終確認獎勵會於交易驗證時調整並存入你的賬戶。
Delivery is available for Hong Kong only. Pending rewards may not be the finalized rewards. The finalized rewards will be updated upon transaction approval.


关于 PNS eShop

百佳超級市場是全港最具規模的超市連鎖集團之一,出售之貨品物超所值、貨品應有盡有 、新鮮安全及不同店舖迎合不同顧客的需要。
PARKnSHOP is one of the leading supermarket chains in Hong Kong, offering value for money, wide product choice, freshness & safety, and tailored stores to meet the needs of different customer segments.