此為 頁 UGG Hong Kong 商戶

UGG Hong Kong


追蹤所需時間 i5 天
計入所需時間 i105 天
Reward is applicable to Regular Product. Discount Product will earn a lower reward.


關於 UGG Hong Kong

始於 1978 年,一名澳洲的衝浪運動員Brian Smith帶著夢想搬到了美國南加州。他用最喜歡的材料「羊皮」設計出一種與別不同的產品,我們的Classic Boot經典靴從此誕生。在20世紀80 年代的中期,UGG 已經成為南加州海灘文化的標誌,從聖地亞哥到聖克魯斯,隨著整條加州海岸線上的各個衝浪店迅速興起,UGG在時尚圈甚至世界各地都得到越來越多人的喜愛,大大超越了品牌最初的經典羊毛皮靴,UGG以創意、質量和工藝不妥協的態度去設計鞋履、服裝、配飾和家居用品。

It started in 1978, when Australian surfer Brian Smith moved to Southern California with a dream. Designing a product unlike any other from his favorite material – sheepskin – the Classic Boot was born. By the mid 80s, UGG became a symbol of SoCal beach culture, gaining momentum through surf shops from San Diego to Santa Cruz. Adopted by the fashion elite and then the world, the brand has since expanded beyond the icon to design footwear, apparel, accessories, and homeware with an uncompromising attitude toward creativity, quality, and craftsmanship.