此為 頁 Pinkoi Hong Kong 商戶
Pinkoi Hong Kong
Pinkoi Hong Kong
最多 HKD10 = 1

Pinkoi Hong Kong

Activities, Workshops, Accessories, Bags, Shoes & Socks, Clothing, Recreation & Leisure, Home & Living, Kitchen & Dining, Stationery, Food & Drink,
Digital Goods


追蹤所需時間 i5 天
計入所需時間 i105 天
購買禮物卡、補運費商品、Pinkoi 紙箱、設計師客製商品不會獲得獎勵。

Stated reward is only applicable to Activities/Workshops.
Purchasing from all other categories will earn a lower reward.
Purchasing Gift cards/Pinkoi boxes/products with sponsor shipping fees/designer crossover products will not earn any reward.


關於 Pinkoi Hong Kong

Pinkoi 是亞洲領先的設計購物網站,販售設計商品、數位創作、體驗活動,並網羅海內外優質設計師群,堅持用好品味、客製化的獨特設計,實現每個人對生活詮釋的想像,也讓每個送禮時刻更加獨一無二。

Pinkoi is one of Asia’s leading online marketplaces for original design goods, digital creations and workshop experiences, featuring exclusive offerings from an array of exceptional international makers and designers. We are committed to providing tasteful, unique and customized designs that allow everyone to express their own lifestyle sensibilities. With Pinkoi, any occasion becomes a chance to find that unique, one of a kind gift that can make everything extra special.