Jo Malone Hong Kong
1USD = 2.5

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Jo Malone Hong Kong

英國香氛世家Jo Malone London呈獻獨特典雅的香氛系列、奢華的居室香氛與呵寵的沐浴及身體產品,享譽全球。大膽顛覆一般香氛固有概念,品牌交織別出心裁的素材與獨一無二的用香風格,以香氛糅合™藝術隨心所欲地變奏出優雅卻玩味十足的香調,為您創造與眾不同的專屬雅緻氣息。Jo Malone London的獨特香氛世界教人愛不釋手,多年來一直蔚為風潮。 Jo Malone London is a British lifestyle brand known for its unique fragrance portfolio and luxury products for the bath, body and home. Rewriting the rules of perfumery by mixing unexpected combinations of ingredients and providing elegant yet playful concepts where scent is used with abandon, the world of Jo Malone continues to inspire a loyal following.

