Log in to your Cathay account and embark on a delightful shopping journey with our partners. Even if you haven't logged in yet, you can still browse the site. When you're ready to shop with Milesback, the system will prompt you to log in to your account.
Discover a wide range of brands across different categories including clothes & fashion, groceries, health & beauty, department stores, sports, and more. Select a brand of your liking and we'll take you to their website or app to browse and shop. Rest assured —your purchases are tracked automatically with cookies, so you'll earn miles effortlessly.
Earn miles
After completing your purchase successfully , your miles will show up as "Pending" in the "My Purchases" section within 5 working days. If you don't see them within 15 days, please contact us. Your miles will be credited to your account as soon as the merchant approves your purchase, at which point the status will change to "Approved".
Why not add some favourites?
Click to like
To add a merchant to your favorites, simply click the merchant card with the favorites icon in the top right corner.
Added to favourites
After clicking the favorites icon, the merchant has been added to your favorites list.
Important Information:
Make sure to enable cookies in your browser. This will help us track your journey to the merchant’s site and ensure you earn your miles from your purchases.
For more information on cookiesrom Milesback to the merchant’s website and enable us to allocate the miles you’ll earn from your purchase to your account. For more information on cookies click here.