The stated rewards is for Hotel, Staycation, and Package bookings only.
Booking with coupons a will earn lower reward.
Booking all other travel products will earn a lower/different reward.
The rewards are only eligible for bookings from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Hainan, Fujian, Guangxi, Guangdong, and Yunnan.
에 대한 Wing On Travel
永安旅遊Wing On Travel提供一站式旅遊服務, 包括網上預訂自由行套票﹑機票及酒店﹑旅行團﹑郵輪﹑香港遊﹑遊學﹑獨立包團, 網羅特價及廉航機票, 酒店點評資訊及代訂樂園門票。
Wing On Travel provides all-round travel services including reservation of tours, flights, cruises, study-tours, as well as hotels and attraction tickets.