以下是 页面 Wing On Travel 商户
Wing On Travel
Wing On Travel
最多 HKD10 = 2.5

Wing On Travel

酒店 及 Staycation (香港) - 沒有優惠券 Hotels/Staycation (HK) without coupon
酒店 及 Staycation (香港) - 使用優惠券 Hotel/Staycation (HK) with coupon
旅遊套票 - 沒有優惠券 Package without coupon
旅遊套票 - 使用優惠券 Package with coupon
金光飛航澳門船票 Ferry Ticket (Macau)
長線團 Long Haul Tour
亞洲圑/中國長線團 Asia Tour/China Long Haul Tour
廣東短線團 Guangdong Short Haul Tour
本地一天團/海上遊 Local One Day Tour
樂園/演出門票/活動 Park/Show Ticket/Event
NLBS產品(海外活動門票)NLBS Products (oversea activity ticket)


追踪所需时间 i5 天
计入所需时间 i105 天
獎勵只適用於來自香港,台灣,海南, 福建,廣西,廣東及雲南的訂單。

The stated rewards is for Hotel, Staycation, and Package bookings only.
Booking with coupons a will earn lower reward.
Booking all other travel products will earn a lower/different reward.
The rewards are only eligible for bookings from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Hainan, Fujian, Guangxi, Guangdong, and Yunnan.

关于 Wing On Travel

永安旅遊Wing On Travel提供一站式旅遊服務, 包括網上預訂自由行套票﹑機票及酒店﹑旅行團﹑郵輪﹑香港遊﹑遊學﹑獨立包團, 網羅特價及廉航機票, 酒店點評資訊及代訂樂園門票。

Wing On Travel provides all-round travel services including reservation of tours, flights, cruises, study-tours, as well as hotels and attraction tickets.